(The son in whom I'm well-pleased)
*Ancestral, Slave Wisdom for the Post-Internet Generation
By Loren Miner ™
© 2016 Loren Miner. All rights reserved.
mission statement
"How to Think Like a Genius: Mind over Matter" is the prequel to the apostolic novel (The Gangsta of Love). A crash course in redemption; How to Think Like a Genius: Mind over Matter is an intellectual bootcamp where evangelical tenor (magic) intersects with social science (realism). A holistic approach (bridging the metaphysical gaps) to the conundrum of our human condition (the meaning of life).
Translation: I pray that those who are high&mighty (full of themselves) may be humbled (for the benefit of
the soul); and those lacking in formal education (book smarts) may be compelled to expand their horizons (by
simply using a dictionary)
"One and God make a majority."
Frederick Douglass
"I awoke, only to find the rest of the world asleep."
"In times of universal deceit- telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
"To be great is to be misunderstood."
"Without innovation, art is a corpse. And the first quality needed is audacity."
Winston Churchill
"Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice."
"Count all men- but none too much."
"Disobedience is man's original virtue."
Oscar Wilde
"There lives more faith in honest doubt- than in half the creeds."
Alfred Lord Tennyson
"Be careful, lest in casting out your demons you exorcise the best thing in you."
"Even in the valley of the shadow of death: two plus two don't equal six."
"The Bible shows the way to heaven: not how the heavens operate."
"Humanity shouldn't seek to eliminate their complexes- but strive to get in accord with them."
"If you want to change the world, go home and love your family."
Mother Teresa
"The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common."
"Before enlightenment- chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment- chop wood, carry water !!!"
Zen Proverb
"Make yourself do unpleasant things; so as to gain the upper-hand on your soul."
W.E.B. Du Bois
"Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy soul."
Mark Twain
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree."
Albert Einstein
"Art and knowledge can raise humanity to the divine."
"Information is not knowledge!"
Albert Einstein
"Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind!"
Albert Einstein
"If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward- then we are a sorry lot indeed!"
Albert Einstein
"I am a forest- a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness will find banks full of roses under my cypresses."
"If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness."
2 Corinthians 11:30
"Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted."
Martin Luther King Jr.
"The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict."
Martin Luther King Jr.
"Fear has its use- but cowardice has none."
"Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good."
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Martin Luther King Jr.
"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."
Martin Luther King Jr.
"There's a real danger that computers will develop intelligence and take over."
Stephen Hawkings
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity!"
Albert Einstein
"The question isn't whether we'll be extremist- but what kind of extremists will we be? The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremist!"
Martin Luther King Jr.
"A genuine leader isn't a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus!"
Martin Luther King Jr.
"We are twice armed if we fight with faith!"
"The supreme art of war is to subdue your enemy without fighting."
The Art of War, Sun Tzu
"A nigger is the one hanging by a rope (off a tree)... (but) a nigga is the one with the gold ropes hanging-out at
clubs !"
Resurrection, Tupac Shakur
"Cowards die many deaths, the valiant taste death but once."
"The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly."
"I never had to choose a subject- my subject chose me."
"I don't seek... I find."
"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
The Great Gatsby, Nick Carraway
"I have wasted my time- now time doth waste me."
"Jesus wept."
John 11:35
"At it's core, humanity is divided by the sum of two parts; those who believe in magic and those who do not."
The New African-American Manifesto
“What these well-intentioned, civil protesters don’t quite understand (through no fault of their own); is that the real revolution begins (not with a drastic or sudden change of 'circumstance') - but rather- vis-à-vis the transformation of self (through the painful and miraculous renewing of the mind)!!!”
Cadence Counts (Why God Still Matters): Why “I” Believe Jesus Christ is the Son (Template) of God (Intelligent Design)
"Alas, my crown (as a people’s champion) – like those tortured and brave souls before me- isn’t made of silver or gold or precious stones; but the crest I adorn is that of prickly thorns (sweet sorrow). Indeed, I boast in my imagined royalty… in my lineage of infirmity… in my crown of thorns, because, when I am weak - then I am strong in Christ (2 Corinthians 12:10). For I didn’t learn to be the dark knight (anti-hero) in some decadent house of pleasure while enraptured in bourgeois mirth, but rather, I became my brother’s keeper while rolling around in that despicable pig pen… in that dreaded house of pain. Indeed, I may have learned 'how' to write while feasting in the ballroom of Pharaoh’s golden palace (the Ivy League); but I learned 'why' to write in a somber place of mourning… in that stained-glassed temple of incorrigible grief and shame (underclass marginalization)."
Delsusions of Grandeur: The Coat of Many Colors (The African-American Phenomenon of .004%)
"How to Think Like a Genius: Mind over Matter" is the prequel to the apostolic novel "The Gangsta of Love". A crash- course in redemption: "How to Think Like a Genius" is an intellectual boot camp where evangelical tenor (magic) intersects with social science (realism). A holistic approach (bridging the metaphysical gaps)to the conundrum of our human condition (the meaning of life).
Translation: I pray that those who are high & mighty (full of themselves) may be humbled (for the benefit of the soul) ; and those lacking in formal education (book smarts) may be compelled to expand their horizons (by simply using a dictionary)
"One and God make a majority." Frederick Douglass
"I awoke, only to find the rest of the world asleep."
"In times of universal deceit- telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
"To be great is to be misunderstood."
"Without innovation, art is a corpse. And the first quality needed is audacity."
Winston Churchill
"Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice."
"Count all men- but none too much."
"Disobedience is man's original virtue."
Oscar Wilde
"There lives more faith in honest doubt- than in half the creeds."
Alfred Lord Tennyson
"Be careful, lest in casting out your demons you exorcise the best thing in you."
"Even in the valley of the shadow of death: two plus two don't equal six."
"The Bible shows the way to heaven: not how the heavens operate."
"Humanity shouldn't seek to eliminate their complexes- but strive to get in accord with them."
"If you want to change the world, go home and love your family."
Mother Teresa
"The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common."
"Before enlightenment- chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment- chop wood, carry water !!!"
Zen Proverb
"Make yourself do unpleasant things; so as to gain the upper-hand on your soul."
W.E.B. Du Bois
"Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy soul."
Mark Twain
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree."
Albert Einstein
"Art and knowledge can raise humanity to the divine."
"Information is not knowledge!"
Albert Einstein
"Science without religion is lame; religion without science is blind!"
Albert Einstein
"If people are good only because they fear punishment and hope for reward- then we are a sorry lot indeed!"
Albert Einstein
"I am a forest- a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness will find banks full of roses under my cypresses."
"If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness."
2 Corinthians 11:30
"Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted."
Martin Luther King Jr.
"The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." Martin Luther King Jr.
"Fear has its use- but cowardice has none."
"Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good."
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
Martin Luther King Jr.
"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men."
Martin Luther King Jr.
"There's a real danger that computers will develop intelligence and take over."
Stephen Hawkings
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity!"
Albert Einstein
"The question isn't whether we'll be extremist- but what kind of extremists will we be? The nation and the world are in dire need of creative extremist!"
Martin Luther King Jr.
"A genuine leader isn't a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus!"
Martin Luther King Jr.
"We are twice armed if we fight with faith!"
"The supreme art of war is to subdue your enemy without fighting."
The Art of War, Sun Tzu
"A nigger is the one hanging by a rope (off a tree)... (but) a nigga is the one with the gold ropes hanging-out at
clubs !"
Resurrection, Tupac Shakur
"Cowards die many deaths, the valiant taste death but once."
"The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly."
"I never had to choose a subject- my subject chose me."
"I don't seek... I find."
"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
The Great Gatsby, Nick
"I have wasted my time- now time doth waste me."
"Jesus wept."
John 11:35
"Lemme tell you something Missy Moo Moo; I’ve lead men into battle (gun fights) before I was the legal drinking age… I’ve levied my worth and earned my stripes in urban foxholes beneath the peal of military grade weapons… I’ve had the moon wink at me in the loneliest of hours… stars twinkle in my direction… the universe swoon in its approval… and you wanna ask me about friggin Twitter followers?
In simpler, concrete terms - who can deny that in life - there will always be very important and dignified people that can surely boast about traveling over all five seas and seven continents; having seen the better part of all 196 countries in both hemispheres. And then, on the other, there’s that small remnant- that exotic flower that blooms in adversity - that can bring Amsterdam or Paris to a peanut butter & jelly sandwich!!!"
My "F"-You Letter to the Shrewd(Business-Minded) Literay Agent
“Yea, I’ve been through the fire (purified & true) - yet - my conscience is refined… my mind awakened… and my heart unscathed!!! Yea, my soul prospers (through the struggle)!!!”
Delusions of Grandeur: The Coat of Many Colors (The African-American Phenomenon of .004%)
"The prison chambers never shook and the steel bars never melted away (no matter how hard I prayed), but there was a divine exchange (in effect); a specific time and place where I disposed the ash of past guilt and condemnation while receiving the beauty of reconciliation (through the anointing of the Holy Spirit). Again, with no intricate scheme devised / with nothing left in the tank; it was through the fraternal fellowship of suffering (in Christ) by which I was transformed. What am I really saying? (As strange as it may sound) it wasn’t chains or whips or racism or oppression or exploitation or marginalization or mandatory sentences or fear that changed me (or my people) - but love - beaming in the darkest of places (at wick’s end) alters the heart of repentant men. Real or unequivocal change cannot be derived externally, my friends. The truest change (everlasting change), stems from a steadfast resolve that can only come from within." (He that is in me is stronger than he that is in the world... 1 John 4:4)
To the Country I Love
“Simply put, if we as free thinkers (or the Talented Tenth) can’t surpass -or build upon- our predecessors in a digital / information age; then not only is the scholarly shame on us for not being worth our cerebral salt -but clearly- the leadership vacuum this country is currently experiencing since the decline of the Civil Rights Movement; epitomized by our two, less-than-stellar candidates for president (a bland, political retread versus a moneygrubbing blowhard); is a direct result of the brazen failings of the modern intelligentsia to inform and invigorate the masses (in conjunction with one too many cocktail parties)!!! Alas, history doth repeat itself!!!”
The Open Letter to Harvard University: Speaking Truth to Power…Where do the Greats go for Correction?
"So when I appraise or deconstruct my brethren (my country) - it’s not through some thorny vineyard of sour grapes; but with a bountiful sense of indebtedness and gratitude and unlimited riches and timeless glory. When I retrace my steps and trek back to that invisible umbilical cord of my rebirth… back to that dark place... and reenter the womb of the belly of the beast that once housed me and nourished me and birthed an uncommon intellect in me… it is with great humility and miraculous grace and sublime correctness that this precocious pupil comes back to honor the incorrigible teacher (with his newfound knowledge and revelation). It is not with a powerful fist or rambunctious voice or vengeful spirit, but rather, it is on bended knee that this stubborn disciple returns home (to The System) to encourage the beleaguered taskmaster (The American Bureaucracy), who, (once upon a time) was the shadowy minister of my very fate."
The New African-American Manifesto
"What am I really sayin’? It doesn’t matter how smart I profess to be or how poignantly I attempt to espouse my flowery rhetoric: if I/we don’t move the masses… if I/we don’t use our existential understanding and exceptional gifts as our brother’s keeper- then what (beyond selfish ambition) have we truly accomplished (as a people) in the end? Are we (as leaders) but vainglorious hot air and clanging cymbals? Are we (as profound thinkers) not guilty of poetic futility- mental masturbation (perverse gratification) - stroking the precious seamen of consciousness to no avail? And let’s not kid ourselves, the finest academic achievement from Harvard or Oxford often has far less impact in modern society than a catchy Katy Perry or Adele song! What am I really sayin’? (A horny) Marvin Gaye and John Lennon (while trippin’ on hallucinogens) have done more for race relations and social justice than the brightest (soberest) social scientist. (Antisocial and deviant) rap music has progressively bridged more cultural barriers; debunked more socio-economic myths and stereotypes ;inspired, unified and reshaped the international landscape (through clever, raw, storytelling truth) – more than all of the contemporary intelligentsia (put together). As a result, I’ve learned to temper my self-righteous disdain for the 'ignorant masses'. Indeed, there is (perhaps) no greater feat known to mankind than the abrupt and magnificent awakening of this sleeping giant (the commonwealth of human capital)."
Revisiting The Souls of Black Folk: Overcoming Self (Baby Steps to the Promised Land)
“Though I am a self-confessed intellectual and bleeding heart, on the other hand, criminal justice really isn’t that complex (to me). Any rational being with a discerning eye, clean conscience and modicum of common sense (objectivity); has no need for three strikes jargon or zero tolerance compartmentalizing (for dispensing something as noble as human justice). As far as I’m concerned (if the premeditated offense is barbaric enough): heinous acts of violence need only one strike before 'you’re out' (in my book). However, if there were one mandatory law enacted today that I would be the first to earnestly profess; it would be that everyone standing on U.S. soil (no matter the circumstance- prince or pauper) be commanded to (reverently) kiss the ground they walk on (in homage) before starting (even) the most rudimentary aspect of their day…before brushing their teeth… before sipping coffee in pajamas… before watching the morning news broadcast … before walking the cherished dog. As a matter of fact, if I had to wear an electronic bracelet or be subject to digital surveillance or have my civil rights compromised to assure that the general population would abide in this sovereign rule... than I would be lawfully (willingly) obliged.
With that being said, if a citizen doesn’t raise its voice (when compelled)… if a legal guardian doesn’t give a light tap on the buttocks to the prodigal (when needed): then that custodial indifference makes the caretaker morally negligent and philosophically amiss. What am I really saying? (In matters of the heart) inaction is sinful… silence is irresponsible… and ambivalence is a cloak for cowardice! Constructive criticism (highlighting or overemphasizing the negative) is the unsavory oxymoron and necessary evil perquisite to any civilized society. On the contrary, those that blindly follow the rules may appear to be loyalists, or even 'patriots' (fart noise) - however- The Good Father doesn’t spare the rod, but rather, diligently disciples (or humbles) his offspring: not out of the hateful sensibilities of self-righteous anger or embittered rage, but rather, the seasoned drill sergeant berating the smug recruit does so with an unwavering and devout sense of duty and love. Critiquing America is natural to any steward or promisekeeper- but counterintuitive to the general adoration (we have for) of our darling sweetheart.”
The New African-American Manifesto
"You see, like hundreds of millions of African-Americans before me (over four centuries); from the slave masters that seeded us to the cruel overseer that whipped us to the malicious bounty hunters that maimed us to the racist cops that arrest us… 'The System' or 'American Institution' (from the Welfare State to the Prison State to McDonald’s to MTV) made me who I am today. Similarly, in the inner-city (urban Boston), the overzealous narcotics detectives ( I was on a first name basis with)- that (routinely) stalked, clubbed and robbed me - were like the roughneck uncles I never had while growing-up(teaching me valuable life lessons)… the turnkeys (correctional officers ) that exercised kindness and brutality represented the big brothers I yearned for as a child… the nurses that stitched my wounds and kept my heart beating were like caring sisters… the disciplinarians in regal black robes were grandparents (with wooden gavels for belt straps)- bestowing both mercy and retribution like stern guardians of my soul... even the violent gangbangers and aged lifers seemed more like protective kinfolk or distant cousins to me- (unwitting angels) demonstrating far more love than hate.
So, when I nonchalantly refer to my felonies and misdemeanors; do not misconstrue my candor with some kind of perverse boast or lighthearted brag, but on the contrary, I need to periodically reiterate that (no matter how you perceive me- in sickness and in health); it is not by my own fortitude or might or master plan, but rather, by the providential will of some intangible force that I press onward (and write). When I drudge up the miscues of my ignoble past I am not only stating the obvious; I am also acknowledging the sheer relativity or irony of life (the obscure randomness, delicate unpredictability and arbitrary variables) that coexist (or work in conjunction with) Grand Design and Singular Truth (the mystery of faith).Therefore, when I disclose the depth of my sin through public records: it’s no different than a fugitive slave lifting-up his sullied shirt over his shoulders and revealing the grotesque scars on his back. Considering the dear price I paid for this scathing wisdom (the multitude of whiplashes) - as far as I am concerned - the Criminal Justice System should always be viewed in terms of a gigantic threshing floor... a slaughterhouse… a gruesome meat market in which I was (once upon a time) the fatted calf."
To The Country I Love
"Now we can go back-and-forth till the cows come (pro and con): and you’re always free to squander as much time as you want (trying to live-up to the hype) - selling your soul all day to your so-called 'followers' (chasing 'likes' like rainbows and Moby Dick). But ultimately (when the fairy dust settles), there will be a moment of reckoning (for all of us); when Dorothy peeks behind the curtain- past the pyrotechnics and fire-breathing dragon- and sees just another ordinary, little being (cowering behind a veil of anonymity). Social media is a reflection of the vainglorious ethos (covetousness) of modern society. The social media dynamic is imbalanced much like the people it serves: you can’t live with em’ (people/social media) and you can’t live without em’. And like religion, social media is filled with a bunch of vain imposters, liars and bitter people (passive-aggressive) trying to pretend (and fool themselves) - as if ‘they’re really living the dream’ ( a perpetual one –up-manship).
These media darlings sell an image (or brand) so hard; that when it’s 'finally' time to ante-up and get Toto and the ruby red shoes back to Aunt Em in Kansas – time to simply shut-up and deliver the goods- they’re like dark clouds with no precipitation… dry bones… a million and one false idols… a billion broken promises. Those media mongrels have their reward in making people think (for a moment) they’re relevant and whole,when, in fact, if they were truly content and self-assured: they wouldn’t need to dedicate the better part of their day rubbing it in people’s faces. That’s why aging rock stars(with 70 million followers) keeled over (alone) in penthouse suites, in a bath tub full of prescription pills, surrounded by top shelf liquor and sliver-framed mirrors has become a echoing cliché (Prince, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe, to name a few). Excuse me for my elongated rant / tangent / digression -back to the task at hand."
My “F”-You Query Letter to the Shrewd (Business-Minded) Literary Agent
"Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight."
1 Cornithians 3:18-19
“Laugh at my hyperbole (if you must), but the moral quagmire (or decline) of selflessness (virtue) addresses (perhaps) the premiere question of all Western Civilization moving forward… of all mankind (the biological species)… not to mention the entire planet and animal kingdom!!! Indeed, forget the temporal paddy-cake of mixed portfolios, capital management, risk assessment and variable interests rates; the pressing question plaguing the Sons of Liberty/ The City on a Hill/ America (the experiment) - is whether an unprecedented and ultra-privileged society (like us) can effectively teach the relevance(or rite of passage) of 'self-sacrifice': in a gluttonous age of instant gratification, instantaneous downloads and decadent self-promotion (the false-positive of social media).
Indeed, my sincerest apologies to Willie Shakespeare (my loquacious buddy), but the new ‘to be or not to be’ (eternal question) of the 21st century is not ‘whether tis nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’; but whether 'we' (overworked and stressed-out parents) can properly train our pampered children… our gentrified and self-absorbed benefactors (with their noses in their smartphones) - the intrinsic, evolutionary role of suffering unto our human condition … to progress. I’m talkin’ about 'the character development of the collective conscience', my people… the hereditary state of the postmodern soul! Sorry to say (but whether we like it or not), the world may (literally) sink or swim (“hello” climate change) based upon the critical decisions of an unborn generation of conceited, ungrateful Americans (the undisputed world leader) … are you still scoffing?”
Speaking to the Rock (of Artificial Intelligence): Addressing the High I.Q. / Low Character of Modern American Culture
"And of course, much like our precious children (or most anything else we care deeply about); America (the dream) needs continuos reevaluation and pruning. From a historical context (spanning over 6000 years), the United States is still a youngster (less than 500 years old). As far as human history is concerned; America (the ideal) is still growing (in its adolescence)… still unfurling… still blooming… constantly changing … hormones raging … rapidly evolving … (dare I say) ‘always progressing’. Thus, at the risk of sounding grandiose, America (the prodigy) is so far past the realm of previous empires (in such rarified air and unchartered waters); that we are (literally) running a race against ourselves. And please, don’t try to tell my black ass about England’s grand trade ships or Mongol’s incredible land mass (back in the day): when we have satellites in outer space (right now) navigating drones and smart missiles with mobile computers. And don’t tell me about Germany’s wealthy medieval bankers (or blacksmiths): when your run-of-the-mill venture capitalist can transfer billions across the globe with the tap of a keyboard. And don’t tell me about the pomp and circumstance of the Roman or Persian Empire: in comparison to the internet and the (infinite) wireless capabilities accessible to even the bottom tiers of society.
Subsequently, when you’re only real competition is yourself- the boundaries of self-will and relentless determination often become blurred… malleable… subjective... biased… self-serving. Inevitably (as history clearly shows), high-strung Super Powers (on both a micro/citizenship and macro/republic level) have an innate tendency to get full of oneself… too big for its narcissistic britches. So, as a result, imperial nations (a la Egyptian, Roman, Victorian, etc.) invariably begin to lose perspective or balance- pushing too hard in their pursuit of perennial dominance; diminishing themselves (morally) by alienating from their fellowman in this estranged quest for worldwide ascendancy or optimal efficiency or unprecedented exploitation. Sardonically, the same aggressive trait or triangular paradigm (production, expansion and consumption) - that made the entity great in the first place - (as history shows) also ends-up destroying it (in the end). Alas, all great empires have demonstrated this inherently greedy, self-defeating, carnivorous tendency… fattening themselves (cannibalistic-ally) with the flesh & blood of their own illegitimate kids (the disenfranchised poor)."
To the Country I Love
“So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from being conceited. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But each time He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
2 Corinthians 12:7-10
Psalm to Gun Violence (Ode to Mass Shootings) **free upload
By Loren Miner
Just for today (if only for a moment), I am free to rise… as daylight's rueful awakenings sparkle like awesome diamond clusters adrift clear blue skies. Sojourning daybreak forever shimmering like a brilliant peacock- proudly strutting the crystalline feathers of illustrious discovery.
Behold, as familiar clouds invoke aimless morn like loving siblings toying with the child's play of never-ending hope. Frolicking cotton balls billowing in mischievous air; as if nomadic premonition were gently whispering the sweet tidings of endless possibility into my welcoming ear.
Genesis shines her marvelous greeting: as bright echoes annunciate Creation's incorruptible light. Yet (just for today), almighty time is preserved in the poignant verse of a single day. Forever... the precious affirmation of each (and every) solitary moment.
Hail, as eternity purges melancholy's continuum (once again). Heartbeats but tiny ripples reverberating in a translucent ocean. Ephemeral waves propel Adam's mercurial condition through enchanted waters. Every breath we take (unbeknownst to ourselves) conjuring a fluid, life-giving momentum.
Alas, in the end, perhaps only this rising tide… Nay! …this rising dawn can eschew sleep's tantalizing blindfold. As temporal darkness veils impending daybreak but for a moment. Mankind's divine connectedness depicting much more than mere flesh & blood -but rather... a dissipating shadow. The unflinching passage of time imparting its somber hue like grey ash falling… as enigmatic pieces of immortality shed destiny's ultimate horizon.
Thus, may we rest in peace- comforted to know that we’ve been homeward bound all along. As our lives expire not in vain uncertainty, but rather... like a tattered sail courageously riding the incandescent winds ashore.
Indeed, my soul will surely smile knowing that glistening infinity has always danced by my side; her animated breeze beckoning our human nature like the Pied Piper of new beginnings. Providence marching ambiguously beside us as if a luminous captain… quietly navigating towards bittersweet tomorrow.
Alas (just for today), God's majestic revelations console my anxious heart like the faithful rainbow musing a flagship’s maiden voyage; great expectations flattering bewildered mortality more than glorious sunrise… as grandeur harbors our breathless imagination -chartering the whimsical footsteps of fate’s curious misadventure.